Infanroi mikro
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Infanroi mikro
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Unitem, temkia mi abe pas ses anu, mi optik pas pitures belmaga in biblo peri silbi paleo, nam Istorimulti ot bio berita. Ili es pas pitures ot serpen boa, na larin jo. Dis es faktore ot desin:
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.
Antrop logo pas in biblo: "Serpen boa larin stofpris ot ili komple, abene mastika. Poste na, ili inergo ne sine auto, e ili dormi dura ses luna, ili nesesa na pro diges."
In the book it said: "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion."
Mi ide pas multi temna peri aribemulti in silbi e poste, per stofgrafpab krom, mi inergo pas fakto desin uni ot mi. Desin numer Uni ot mi. Ili es pas tak:
I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing. My Drawing Number One. It looked something like this:
Desin ot mi es pas ne pitures ot bestisefal. Ili es pas pitures ot serpen boa, na diges joel. Mi desin pas temna konten ot serpen boa, pro antropmulti maga inergo kones. Ilis temtuta nesesa faktokones. Desin numer Bi ot mi es pas dis:
My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of a boa constrictor, so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. They always need to have things explained. My Drawing Number Two looked like this:
Antropmulti maga donide pas, na mi leteks desin ot serpen boa ober o klos, e interes auto peri grafgeo, istori, tekninumer e teknigraf in plas ot dis. E tak, a tembio ot ses anu, mi leteks pas ergo balormaga ot andropitures. Mi eksbrabo pas auto akaus defek ot desin numer Uni ot mi e desin numer Bi ot mi. Antropmulti maga temnul kones komple per ilisauto e pro infanmulti es fatig faktokones temtuta a ilis.
The grown-ups' response, this time, was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors, whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic, and grammar. That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter. I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
Mi obliga pas prona selek ergo omone e mi studi pas direk sipaer. Mi tero pas multine in plastuta ot geo. E mi aksepberita, na grafgeo asista pas a mi tele. Mi kones pas distinge suragri Sina ot Arison. Dis es usa tele, si antrop perdi auto noktu.
Mi abe pas perdis dura bio ot mi taktikon multimaga kon antrop serius multimaga. Mi bio pas multi inter antropmulti maga. Mi esamin pas ilis telene tele. E dis benplus pas ne multiide ot mi peri ilis.
In the course of this life I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence. I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn't much improved my opinion of them.
Temkia mi eureka pas antrop, na optikomo pas a mi konesben multine, mi forseauto pas per desin numer Uni ot mi, desin mi gardi pas temtuta na. Mi desir pas kones, si ili es kones berita. Sed temtuta antrop respon pas a mi: "Dis es bestisefal." Temna mi logo pas ne peri serpen boa, ne peri silbi paleo, ne peri stela. Mi komod pas a inergokones ot ili. Mi logo pas peri ponto, peri golf, peri politik e kordakol. E antrop maga es pas beni berita kones antrop komod tak.
Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, I
tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One, which I have
always kept. I would try to find out, so, if this was a person of true
understanding. But, whoever it was, he, or she, would always say: "That
is a hat." Then I would never talk to that person about boa
constrictors, or
primeval forests, or stars. I would bring myself down to his level. I
would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics, and neckties.
And the grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible
Mutalingua per Antoni Martí
Transalated by Katherine Woods