- Frater Grammar - Pham Xuan Thai
- The 12 rules ot Frater -
Pham Xuan Thai
- Frater Expanded Dictionary - (last updated on 2023-10-31)
- Besti neo ot roi - H. C. Andersen
- Boles - Maksim Gorki
Dura ot bio - Brothers Grimm
- Ginefaktotauma - Charles Perrault
- Infan benne
- H. C. Andersen
- Jomusikmulti ot Bremen - Brothers Grimm
Ornikakak mikro belne - H. C. Andersen
Tri frater
- Brothers Grimm
Tri jodansi - H. C. Andersen
Fono ot Frater
Fono ot Frater was a newsletter in Frater published between january and march 2023.
- Fono ot Frater (no. 1, january 2023)
- Fono ot Frater (no. 2, february 2023)
- Fono ot Frater (no. 3, march 2023)
- Biblosefal ot logokon
- Conversational guide
- Bitri logosofi in Frater - Proverbs
- Domador Yamadera - Igor Wasilewski
Fisamulti pris e kritik lingua
- Document with the decisions taken by
Filomulti ot Lingua Sistemfrater
to fix the correct use of grammar and some articles of linguistic criticism by Igor Wasilewksi.
Legabasi ot Nasion Uni - Charter of the United Nations, translated into Frater by Pham Xuan Thai
Texts by Pham Xuan Thai in Frater