Dura ot bio
Fratermulti Grimm
The Duration of Life
Brothers Grimm
Dura ot bio
Fratermulti Grimm
The Duration of Life
Brothers Grimm
Thus man lives seventy years. The first thirty are his human years, and they quickly disappear. Here he is healthy and happy; he works with pleasure, and enjoys his existence. The donkey's eighteen years follow. Here one burden after the other is laid on him; he carries the grain that feeds others, and his faithful service is rewarded with kicks and blows. Then come the dog's twelve years, and he lies in the corner growling, no longer having teeth with which to bite. And when this time is past, the monkey's ten years conclude. Now man is weak headed and foolish; he does silly things and becomes a laughingstock for children.
(Mutalingua per Antoni Martí)