Andro Kijot

Miguel de Cervantes

Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes


In urbanagri ot Mansa, mi memor ne nam ot ili, abe tem longane dom pas uni andro ot ilis, na abe lanse memorne, aspi paleo, ipo pakine e kanilepus belo. Ebulibelone kas, karnibobi multitem plus ot karnikaprin, karni tomi kon sal noktu telenetuta, obar kon karnioleo Jursep, lentila Jurses, e pijon multine plus Juruni pris pas tri parti ot aribein ili. Resta ot ili es pas komple per bestitronka eks kapilakaprin negro, kon bestipodlonga eks beluta e protekpodmulti dom eks stof omo pro jurmulti festi, e dura ebdoma ili onor pas auto per besti dusne brun.


In a village in La Mancha (I don't want to bother you with its name) there lived, not very long ago, one of those gentlemen who keep a lance in the lance-rack, an ancient shield, a skinny old horse, and a fast greyhound. Three quarters of his income went into his pot of stew (which contained a good deel more cow than sheep), the colt salt beef he ate most nights, Friday's beans and lentils and Saturday's leftover scraps, and sometimes a slender young pigeon for Sunday. All the rest ended up in a heavy broadcloth coat, velvet breeches he wore on feast days (with velvet slippers to match), and the fine quality homespun he wore,with great dignity, during the week.

(Mutalingua per Antoni Martí)
(Translated by Armas Wilson)
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